Saturday 6 August 2011

Last thrembling hours

This is last weekend of my vacation. I cannot say it feels like four weeks. It feels like two. I have never been so busy ever any vacation.

The weather have bern lovely. Mostly sunny summer weather with few short showers. I have only watered the plants 4-5 times.

I sit about 50 meters from the sea. - that is if I am a bird. The step cliffs makes it a few hundred meters to climb down to sealevel. But it is worth it. A superfast lightweight motor boat is waiting there. Sadly water quality is as usual at this part of our country - Saltsjöbaden.

The cottage is built 1930. But the house itself is even older. It was built 1800 and something at Dalarna and was moved here in 30 ies. On the terrace I sit now many famous Swedish actors have been eating and drinking wine. The first owner worked in a Theathre. Ernst Rolf, Tuttan Rolf, Karl Gerhard - who knows. Since there are no questbook I have to ask the neighbour.

I couldnt think of any better place to spend my last thrembling hours of vacation. Work starts Monday.

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