Thursday 11 June 2015

Why not call the devil his true name? About sugar addiction.

When people are craving amphetamine - we do  say the are amphetamine addictive though its the dopamin they crave. We do not say they are "reward addicted".

When people are training addictives we say they are training addictives even if they are dopamine, endoprhine and perhaps oxytocine addictive. We do not say they are "reward addicted".

When people are addicted by alcohol we say the are alcoholics - not "reward addicted".

When people are addicted to sex we say they are sex addicted - not "reward addicted". 

None of these categories can easily swap sex, amphetamine or a gymession to a hug or something else nice. 

Why do we not use the same system for those who crave sugar that much that they puke, tremble, and feel bad without it?

Those who when they try to "detox" only think about sugar? Those who cannot substitute a sugar kick with a gym session or making love to their special one. 

Those who fight for years or months to stop eating 500 - 1000 grams of candy per day....feeling miserable...I cannot understand why...

I think people genereally mix ordinary sugar cravings with sugar addiction. Addiction is much worse. A sugar addicted cannot manage life until he/she get her next fix. 

Why not call the devil his true name?

Ps. I have never been addicted to sugar myself. I saw however how my two kids managed sugar differently - none was addicted however but one very kern on it. I have friends with worst possible sugar addiction you ever can imagine. They suffer a true hell trying to detox. 

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