Saturday 2 July 2011

At the Pool Party - St Andrews Island, Rovinj

The pool party is world famous in the salsa community. Before this year I presumed it was the biggest pool party at northern hemisphere. I doubt now...I think it is the biggest in the world.

While looking at pictures and videos at Youtube you almost get an impression it is an maniac sect or something gathering for doing the rain dance or calling the God's attention. It really looks weired. But all who have been there - and those who knows how salsa dancers are "configured" - knows we are totally sober and use no other drugs than dance itself. But of course it is a kind of mystery....we all surf on the same wave of happiness and joy. I guess it is the same state you can get into while doing really hard training like spinning, or runners high or meditation. You feel mentally connected and share happiness and joy.

This is the warming up with Juan Matos, on of my favorite dancers.

Do you want to understand a little bit better - watch this clip and stay tune until Thriller starts. This is really impressive so many people can be choreographed spontaneously.
Thriller Dance as M Jacksson never seen it before

Super Mario was wet. We all know he is a great dancer and of the best teachers - he is not so bad as a rapper too :)

This old man sat silently at the front of the huge group dances. Suddenly he stepped down from the fence and put himself in front of the jetset dancers in the frontline and made a solo number. Big success! I have it on video....will look it up some day. Watch the girl...this is how we all felt while going home

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