Saturday 21 November 2015

I was blocked by "Blocked by Pete Evans" since they cannot manage people who not are like minded

I had a discussion about brain fog at the Facebook page Blocked by Pete Evans. Pete Evans is a Paleo cook living in Australia. His TV program is very popular but annoys the Dietitians of Australia and many other people.

I was blocked today by this group. They did not like when I questioned parts of the discussion about the symptom brain fog. Not once did I mind the group admins original statement that was not using brain fog as a diagnose.

I minded the narrow interpretation of what brain fog was about. I minded the people ridiculing the symptom brain fog. I was very clear with my point of view. A few times I pointed out that I agreed with the admins original statement. I was blocked anyhow.

I have health problems taking care if Sahlgrenska University hospital. I am continuously examined by their histamine intolerance team. I have bad joint pains. I have brain fog almost every afternoon. I do follow my dietitians advice just as Blocked by Pete points out should be the case. I am not eating LCHF. I am not eating Paleo. I eat what professional tells me - just as DAA say it should be.

I eat tortillas made by corn flour and rice every day. I even have to eat a few hundred grams of nacho chips to keep my weight. I lose weight rapidly else. I cannot manage potatoes and night shades because of joint pains an my Allergist agrees. I eat plenty of veggies, meat and fish. I do exactly what DAA claims to be appropriate - I follow professional health cares advice. I follow my dietitians advice. But I am not allowed to express what I think at Blocked by Pete Evans

I was blocked after posting this screen telling first line was a sponsored link (paid for to show up at top) and pointing out the forth snippet. While the admin previously had pointed out the first snippet as the first hit on Google.

I pointed out #2
"What is brain fog? It's not a medically recognized term. It's a commonly used phrase that sums up feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, and lack of focus and mental clarity. Basically you feel like you just can't think, which can be very frustrating and even downright frightening."
This snippet does not even contradict Blocked by Pete Evans first statement.

The funny thing is however that reading link #1 shows a text agreeing with my point if view. Something I think Blocked by Pete Evans had no idea about.  I wrote that and was blocked.

I speculate here....but I think I am close to the truth:

  • I was blocked since I didn't agree and made Blocked by Pete Evans look stupid 
  • I was blocked since I didnt kiss Blocked by Pete Evans ass
  • I was blocked since the people administrating that group chose ignorance instead of knowledge 
  • I was blocked since they felt they couldn't control me

When I get blocked despite behaving politely I write a blog post about it. A blog post no one but me can control. I know this works since my visitors statistics show people find their way here.

This post will be deleted the day blocked by Pete Evans profs they not are blinded by their own excellence and can manage an open discussion.

I will go on and fight ignorance where ever I see it. I still do so at Blocked by Blocked by Pete Evans but I presume you had no idea about that. That is your loss. And to be sincere - you lose your face whenever you block anyone not agreeing and not appearing abusive. You must tolerate an open discussion.

A free tip to Blocked by Pete Evans!If you find people quarrelsome and tiring -ignore them instead.  You lose your face every time you block someone. Besides - I did not change my mind. If you had unblocked me and read the whole post once again you would have seen.  
It is you who have chosen to have a Facebook group not me. If you cannot handle the discussion seek some expert advices on Internet or among you fans who knows how to handle a Facebook group and opponents. I am a professional communications officer - I know I am right here. (the same argument as you yourself  use btw)
There might have been some language problem too. If you cannot handle non-native people it is your problem.  
You act unprofessionally in this!

Have a nice weekend Blocked by Pete Evans!


Personally to Blocked by Pete Evans

You referred to hit #1 - the one about punch through. You even quoted it saying it was the first hit on Google telling me to redo my search with a space between "brain fog".

I repeated again again in that post that brain fog is label just like "tired", "hungry" or "stressed".  You refused to read it before blocking me. Now you cannot since my comments are gone.

Do not change history. It just make you looking weak!
Blocked by Pete Evans
den 21 november kl. 13:24
you were blocked for being quarrelsome and tiresome, not for what you talk about in the blog entry, which isn't even accurate. I referred to the "is not medical diagnosis" result, not to the sponsored result. Which supports my position, which you first disagreed with which is why you instructed me to google the term, then changed your mind and said you agreed with me but disagree with other posters, then changed the argument to be about what comes up first in google... blah blah blah. I'm fed up with quarrelsome people. Respond to the actual point we are making and if it is not clear ask for clarification. Don't just decide to respond as if our point had been something contentious for the sake of making a nuisance of yourself when you know very well what the point we are actually making is.

Then you used the "power" of being mean. I  just pitty you. You are a coward being mean to the one who cannot defend themselves because they are blocked.

Blocked by Pete Evans har också kommenterat sitt inlägg.
Blocked by Pete Evans
den 21 november kl. 13:39
Maybe Bettina was demonstrating brain fog ? There were features of confusion and inability to follow a logical thread. C

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