Sunday 1 November 2015

How to cure jellyfish and sea lice stings

I am brought up at the Swedish westcoast. I have swum right into a few lionsmane jellyfishes in my life. They hurt for sure....

To prevent jellyfish sting - use Safe Sea 

It´s a rellay nice lotion developed for much worse jellies than lionsmane. You can swim for 80 minutes before reapplying. Look it up at this website>

If you already are stung by a jellyfish

The cure for those and most jellyfish and sea lices is this:

1. Remove the remains of the threads. Small hooks with nettle poisons are penetrating the skin. Use a credit card for example

2. Put on a hydro cortisone cream. The stronger the better. Bring this cream to the beach every time

3. Take antihistamine pills 

4. If this do not help - try a fast working cortisone pill containing betamesone for example. In Sweden the brand is called Betapred. I know this is an allowed substance in Dubai but I am not sure you can buy it with or without prescription. Tell me please!

I know some say pooring urine or vinegar on the rashes helps but I have not tried it myself yet. 

If you live in northern hemisphere the herb dog bisquit helps just as good as hydrocortisone. Press the leafes on the rashes and let the juice heal it. 

Moon jelly

This is a jelly fish from northern hemisphere. It is completely harmless. We played with it as kids. We even had slime war with it. 

By some reason they are now in the Gulf scaring people. I presume it is brought with the cargo boats and flushed out while they prepare to bring new cargo. 

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