Tuesday, 30 November 2010

In need of inspiration - and some heath

I was booked for the SCRUM master course at Stockholm next week but since the main teacher Ron Jeffrey had to cancel I might cancel to. I understand the replacing teachers are excellent too - but the experience will not be the same. So I am disappointed....

Now I have to decide weather to go anyhow and probably not get that total kick I need or cancel and try to find another course elsewhere. Jeff Sutherland will come in April for example.

I am definitely not a programmer and have no plans to go back to that business. I will stay with project leading but need tools to improve my work. I think SCRUM might help and we already use that method at work.

I work home today. Sparkling snow an minus eight degrees. I am freezing like h*** but still inside. Sitting at kitchentable with double socks, fleece pants & fleece hood pullover. Floor heating system do not work.

Anyhow I am ready mentally for first cross country skit tour for this year but there will be none.  Other obligations and the need for going to the gym is greater. But it do really hurts already....that walk yesterday...

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