Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Thoughts at the train

On my way to Gothenburg for one more visit. The landscape is snowy and frozen. My new diesel Hundai almost didn´t make it this morning. That means at least -15 degrees Celsius.

Fun things are happening in my life right now. I more and more tend to realize that fatalism sometimes is good. Not because I do not believe in acting - it just that sometimes there are so many things beyond control and/or totally impossible to understand. Then usually lay back and  say "I am a fatalist whenever it suits my purpose". It is a quite convenient attitude.Let go and follow the stream instead of swimming upwards.
And this time I immediately understood a slice of fatalism was the best way to handle the situation. What is happening is happening - with or without your interference.

But I need a great deal of work to make this thing happening - for sure. But leading up to here seems to be "destiny"

No trip to Stockholm next week. Too much other exciting things are happening for the closets future. Perhaps I go there X-mas shopping for the weekend since tickets cannot be refunded. I will then meet a classmate I haven´t seen for 30 years. She found me at Facebook.

Smiling at my spelling mistake this morning....thoughts from the train. But who knows - I sometimes can talk with horses. Perhaps even trains. Corrected now :)

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