Friday, 10 December 2010

About Revenge and Assange

Contradictory by Kjell Engman

Today I caught up with the Assange sexual assault story. Assange - the founder of Wikileaks - is as I presume most people already know accused for "Sex by Surprise" due to international sources. Swedish sources call it rape. (I have looked for the exact charge but cannot find it)

I read a a Swedish blogger - Göran Rydling - who knows the name of one of the two women involved. Göran is running a blog about consensual sex. A pretty big blog and very serious as far as I can see. There are lots of articles about raping, rapists and how to solve the problems that no is not always taken for a no. So when a guy like him starts to believe this is a set up - I start to wonder too.

Watch the Fox News by yourself:

One of the girls in Assange case is running a blog of her own. At 19 january 2010 she wrote a blog post about revenge "Seven steps to revengue".  Some sources use this blogpost as an argument that it all was about revenge. Two women finds out both had sex with the same "golden calf" - or bull to be more precise - in just 48 hours.
I think this blog post is a far to loose ground for presuming it all is about revenge from these two woment. But who knows...there are facts that are so strange that I start to wonder. Curious as I am I looked up some of the sources to that blogpost:

How to get legal revenge
How to enjoy Revenge

A few quotes
"Although seeking revenge is not appropriate for every conflict, there are times when you might feel your pride or reputation must be defended. Prepare yourself and your plan to get back at those who deserve a dose of revenge."

"Remember, keep your goal in mind, and make sure your victim suffers in the same way she made you suffer"

"Plan the attack. Tailor your revenge tactic to best annoy or humiliate the victim. Choose a suitable date and time to carry out the plan. Outline your plan in detail to avoid missteps and deviations"
"Strike once and then move on. Get your revenge and be done with it. Don't hang on to the hurt forever; this hurts only you."

Excuse me now - but this is going to be a bit personal...
This kind of sites only makes me want to puke. This is as far from me as possible. I can be angry - I can be mad. But revenge - NO! I can take a verbal fight and pick a few points but never plan for a revenge and then perform it. If I ever did such a thing I would probably "enjoy" it for a few minutes or perhaps half a day then I would feel guilty.

There is always so much you do not know about peoples behaviours and why the act as they do. Mostly people make strange or wrong choices because of lack of knowledge. Why put a knife in the back of such a person? I pity them mostly.

I feel the same about those who have put a knife in my back. If they had understood they would never have done what they did. If they had understood things would have been differently. But these people never wanted to understand - they never realized they didn´t have the whole picture. So all it does is making me feel sad about them - not me.

There is however a few good point at that "revenge site"
  • only revenge a behaviour - not a person
  • keep it short
  • Revenge is like burning down your own house to kill a rat. Forgiveness is the best revenge, since a rat can turn into a friend
I had one real revenge in my life but that was in a fight with an old employer - not in a fight with an individual. It wasn´t planned - it was an opportunity that opened at a negotiation. I won since the negotiator didn´t understand the current bid.

In the Assange case I think as I always do: there is so much we do not know anything about at all. That is actually all we know.

In time we perhaps get an answer - or perhaps we believe we get an answer.
But how can we be sure that answer is the truth?
And whos truth is it?

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