Wednesday 1 December 2010

A fun day

Since Alistair Cockburn tweeted about my blog I had got tons of visitors. And today two twitter newspapers generated with help of that very nice tool lifted these tweets.

Funny how things can turn out. ...
I just sent Alistair a question about inspiring teachers since Ron Jefferson cannot go to Stockholm and teach the Scrum course I was supposed to attend. And next moment I was tweeted by a person having 2500 followers. Amazing!
For those who do not know Alistair  - he is a demi god in the Scrum/Agile world. So this is really an honour.
I am not a system developer (any more) but will use Scrum in my CMS projects with consultants and editors. The project cultural in my organization makes it hard to reach the goals fast enough. I think Scrum might be a great help for me to make teams performing better.
Anyhow. ...back to main feels really great that Alistair tweeted about these two blogposts:
The right to be forgotten on Internet

Did you know your Tweets might be audited and cut out of stone?
Internet integrity is very important to me. Why you think - a public person like me? It is about my kids, my parents, my friends and of course me too. You have the right to be forgotten on Internet the day you change your mind and do not want to be public any more. You have the right to be erased from Google caches the day the original source is deleted. Now it may take up to six months before the cached copy is deleted.

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