Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Merry Christmas & Glögg (hot nice drinks)

I wish all my netfried, businesspartners and friends a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Why not try one of these hot beverages. They will scare any cold away and keep those of you who need it warm. If you're living in a warm country - I presume they will help you anyhow. At least to get that special feeling connected with Christmas.


Thorilds Glögg
a receipt I've inherited from my father
(ö is pronounced just like "a" in "an" in "an apple")

Take for 1 litre:
1/3 red wine
1/3 port wine

1/3 of vodka

Pour wine and port wine into a saucepan. Heat it gently while adding.
but wait with the vodka.


1/3 -1/2 of teaspoon with ginger
3-4 pieces of cinnamon (you know the kind looking like stick/barque)
10-15 pieces of clove
a few spoons of raisins
a few spoons of chopped date (this is unique for my fathers receipt)

The amount of spices in not exact in any way. Add more or less of everything. (I have never ever measured how much I add so this is just a guess)

Boil water in a separate saucepan.
Add 1/2-1 dl of almonds. Just let it be real hot. When you lift them up you can remove the peel.

Finally add the last 1/3 of vodka into the saucepan with wine.
Heat it up quickly and serve it in small cups together with a spoon and the almond. All the fruit is supposed to be eaten but not the hard type of spices,

If you think this receipt is too strong - either you reduce the amount of vodka OR you add more ginger. Ginger conceals the taste of alcohol. If you serve this to friends - remember that people usually underestimates what effect hot alcohol will have on their poor bodies. No driving after glögg!

If you have leftovers - pour into some kind of can with lid. Place it into the a refrigerator. The taste gets better and better. Just add some more vodka for every time you heat it up.

Äpple Glögg
(apple glögg) - great even without alcohol

5 dl juice from apple
2 dl white vine
3-5 pieces of barque/pins of cinnamon
5-7 pieces of that kind of aniseed that looks like flowers/stars (what is it called?)
(a few 10-20 pieces of clove if you like that taste)
0,5-1 dl raisins
0,5-1 dl almond
2-?? cl of hard liquid like apple snaps, Skåne snaps, or in vorst case Vodka. Anything strong with apple or taste of aniseed is great.

Boil the spices and the apple juice for 10 - 15 minutes.

Add raisins and peeled almond .
Add vine and heat more.
Add the hard liquid and heat for a few seconds.

This is wonderful for a bad throat or when ever you have a cold. The vitamins makes you feel much better. And you can make this recipes without any alcohol at all. Kids love it! (It taste almost as good)

Keep any left overs in the refrigerator. Without alcohol it last for about 1-2 weeks. With alcohol much longer. The taste get better and better. (The taste of "star aniseed" and cinnamon takes a while to flourish.)

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